Thursday, June 4, 2009


Only one more day until school is out. This has quite possibly been the longest, most difficult school year I've had since I started teaching and that, my friends, is saying A LOT because I've worked in some "interesting" schools. A student made a list of things he would miss and not miss about middle school I thought I would make a list of my own.

Things I will miss this summer:
My know who you are
A few students who have brightened my day consistently all year long

WOW! That was a really short list!

Things I will NOT miss:
Being bullied
People who do not have the ability to see the big picture
No discipline
Pointless assignments
Lines in the hallway
Phone numbers that are not accurate
Parents who are unsupportive
Teachers who are negative
Nosy people
Lines in the hallway
People who don't know how to pick their battles

There is more but that's enough for now. : )

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